31. maj 2010

Kanye West on following your dreams, and dope ass beats.

Just saw this video about rapper Kanye West.

He's been criticized a lot, most notably for interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 VMA's. We all know that wasn't nice.
Anyhow, Kanye is a very talented rapper and producer, and I've enjoyed all of his albums. He brought something new and fresh when he first came out.
I thought some of the things he says in this video clip were worth transcribing, so here goes. And I promise my next post will be more about my own music.

(Selected) Transcript:
There’s nothing that makes me feel better than just the ability to create. And to get paid off  of creating, you know, that’s the dream come true. It’s not even like really work...

...On ”Touch the Sky” I ask  ”I think I died in an accident ’cos this must be heaven”.
To think that, you know, because I’m actually living my dreams...is this the afterlife, is this what they’re talking about?
And there’s ups and downs in a dream, but you got to bring it to fruition, you have to will positive energy into your life, you have to will your way. You can’t let other people control your dreams. When you walk around, that’s your life, everybody is a part of your world. So you make your decisions.
Not to be cliché, you say, you make your bed and you lie in it. That’s why I think I got a bad rep when I first came out. Because I refused to let other people make my bed.

If someone wanted me to wear a throw-back jersey in a shoot, I’d say no.
If someone wanted me to pose in front of a car with rims, I’d say no.
Even it was for the cover of a magazine, I would walk away from it.
Award shows, arguments back stage. No, I’m not singing that part, I’m not doing this part.
’Cos at the end of the day, nobody’s thinking, hey, that production guy, I really didn’t like his idea. They’re gonna be like, man, Kanye had a bad performance.
Just knowing that you reap what you sow, I try my best to sow up some, some Gucci or something :)

On another note, this clip where Kanye explains what a "dope ass beat is" is so funny, watch:

Demand Scribbletunes!